Randy rehearses with only the finest BBC musicians.
The BBC Orchestra

Randy rehearses with only the finest BBC musicians.
— My Blog, 18 May 2010 — We’re on a train going from Glasgow to London. The shows have gone well I think and I’ve learned an enormous amount about each country we visited. For instance, Spain, apparently, had a civil war just like our own. This is not a joke. In their civil war other […]
Randy tests the Tower of London sound while the lights man checks his blues. Randy seeks the ghost of Schubert at a 2006 Vienna soundcheck. Randy enchants a Viennese audience in 2006. Fans in Vienna display their shirt fronts for Randy. The flip side. Randy savors the Italian scenery in 2006.
— MARRY POPPINS, 19 February 2004 — (I thought of that – CK) Here we are in London. Did you know that England is an island? I knew they were somehow disconnected from the rest of Europe, but, an island? Just like Florida. Tonight everyone will understand everything I say. Uh oh. They speak English […]