Main Title, Newsreel, I Could Love a Million Girls, Train Ride, Tateh’s Picture Book, Lower East Side, Delmonico Polka, Coalhouse and Sarah, Waltz for Evelyn, One More Hour, Sarah’s Responsibility, Change Your Way, Clef Club No. 1, Atlantic City, Clef Club No. 2, Sarah’s Funeral, Dénouement, Morgan Library Takeover, Rhinelander Waldo, Coalhouse’s Prayer, Ragtime, Ragtime Theme (Demo)
(Words by Edgar Allan Woolf. Music by Cass M. Freebo)
(Arranged by Randy Newman)
(Performed by Donald O’Connor)
I’ve heard them say so often they could love their wives alone,
But I think that’s just foolish: men must have hearts made of stone
Now my heart is made of softer stuff: it melts at each warm glance
A pretty girl can’t look my way without a new romance
I could love a million girls and every girl a twin
I could love a chinese girl an eskimo or finn
I could love a german girl a girl with golden curls
In fact I think that I could love about a million girls
I Loved a girl whose eyes shone forth just like a crystal mask
I loved her till I found out that her eye was made of glass
I loved a girl whose form it was a gorgeous thing to see
I loved her till I found out that part of it was a tree
He could love a million girls a million girls could he
He could love a native girl from far accross the sea
He could love a million girls a girl with baby curls
In fact I think that he could love about a million girls
Where you going
With your shoes undone
Throwing rocks
Making fun of everyone
Little man
You’ll make a big mistake
Unless you change your way
Staying out late
Every night
Chasing after streetcars
And getting into fights
Son you’re bound
To break your mama’s heart
Unless you change your way
All the teachers
At the school there
They know you well
‘Cause you’re always
The worst one
You’re always playing the fool
I can tell
What’s the matter with you little guy
Don’t you know
Take my advice
Before you do
Something bad you’d better
Think about it twice
You’re sure to end up on the shady side
Unless you change
Released by Elektra (5E-565) in 1981.
Re-released by Rhino (78245) in 2002.
Related tags: Atlantic City, Cass M. Freebo, Change Your Way, Clef Club No. 1, Clef Club No. 2, Coalhouse and Sarah, Coalhouse's Prayer, Delmonico Polka, Dénouement, Donald O'Connor, Edgar Allan Woolf, I Could Love a Million Girls, Lower East Side, Main Title, Morgan Library Takeover, Newsreel, One More Hour, Ragtime, Ragtime Theme, Rhinelander Waldo, Sarah's Funeral, Sarah's Responsibility, Tateh's Picture Book, Train Ride, Waltz for Evelyn.