A soundtrack recording for this movie has never been released. There is a CD of music from the movie, but that is a collection of songs, not Randy’s soundtrack. This is a list of Randy’s music cues.
Bank Storm, Newsroom, Letter From Pansy, Walk To Malt, Dog Talk, Angel Letter, To Iowa, Hit By Tractor, Milk Bottle, Angel Motel, Angel Intro, Meet The Angel, Angel Out, Angel Shuffle, Cold Night, Bedbugs Bite, Pre ‘Ave Maria’, I Know Why/Road, Bull Bottle, Sun and Wind, Drive to Joe’s, To Joe’s, Battle, Jail, Courtroom Out, All You Need Sweeten, Flat, Tow Truck Miracle, Crazy Arms, Dorthy’s Secret, Sparky, Back To Chicago, Chase Angel, Is It Michael, Marry Me
(performed by Randy Newman and Valerie Carter)
Heaven is my home
Heaven is my home
Now this sweet world is precious to me
I have traveled down this road before
On a journey for a friend
Been away but now I’m back for more
Goin’ down this road again
You know he answers every prayer
But you better do your part
Spirits all around you everywhere
But you gotta open up your heart
You gotta open up your heart
You’re alone when you come in this world
You’re alone when you go
And it doesn’t matter who you are
It doesn’t matter who you know
Keep on listening for that quiet voice
That’s the way to start
The door is open but you have a choice
You’ve got to open up your heart
You’ve gotta open up your heart
Oh this world is dear to me
But Heaven is my home
This is where I long to be
But Heaven is my home
When your life seems gloomy
Teardrops start to fall
Send the word back to me
And I’ll be there when you call
I’ve been down this road before
But Heaven is my home
And I’m comin’ back
(yeah) (in the morn?)
Heaven is my home
Heaven is my home
The movie was released by New Line Cinema in 1996.
Related tags: All You Need Sweeten, Angel Intro, Angel Letter, Angel Motel, Angel Out, Angel Shuffle, Back To Chicago, Bank Storm, Battle, Bedbugs Bite, Bull Bottle, Chase Angel, Cold Night, Courtroom Out, Crazy Arms, Dog Talk, Dorthy's Secret, Drive to Joe's, Flat, Heaven Is My Home, Hit By Tractor, I Know Why/Road, Is It Michael, Jail, Letter From Pansy, Marry Me, Meet The Angel, Milk Bottle, Newsroom, Pre 'Ave Maria', Sparky, Sun and Wind, To Iowa, To Joe's, Tow Truck Miracle, Travolta, Valerie Carter, Walk To Malt.