Cars 3 (Original Score)
Storm’s Winning Streak, When All Your Friends Are Gone/Crash, Doc’s Painful Demise, Mater on the Horn, Sistine Chapel on Wheels, Temple of Rust-eze, A Career on a Wall/Electronic Suit, Drip Pan, McQueen’s Wild Ride, Biggest Brand in Racing, Fireball Beach, Pull Over, Now!/Cruz’s Racing Dreams, 1.2%, If This Track Could Talk, Letters About You, Smokey Starts Training/A Blaze of Glory, Starting Dead Last, Flashback & Pit Stop, Through the Pack, Victory Lane, The Fabulous Lightning McQueen
Released by Walt Disney Records on June 16, 2017.
Related tags: 1.2%, A Career on a Wall/Electronic Suit, Biggest Brand in Racing, Cars, Cars 3, Doc's Painful Demise, Drip Pan, Fireball Beach, Flashback & Pit Stop, If This Track Could Talk, Letters About You, Mater on the Horn, McQueen's Wild Ride, Now!/Cruz's Racing Dreams, Pixar, Pull Over, Sistine Chapel on Wheels, Smokey Starts Training/A Blaze of Glory, Soundtrack, Starting Dead Last, Storm's Winning Streak, Temple of Rust-eze, The Fabulous Lightning McQueen, Through the Pack, Victory Lane, Walt Disney, When All Your Friends Are Gone/Crash.